EDC is a nonprofit student’s organization established to promote the entrepreneurial skill among the students.
Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and running a new business which is often initially a small business. The people to create theses business are called entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship Development Club is to create wealth and employment Commensurate with unlimited natural immense human resource potential by developing entrepreneurship. In our college EDC club has started 2012-2013 in the academic year to nurture the latten entrepreneurial talents, to induct Entrepreneurial spirit and also induce entrepreneurial and innovative skills among the students for the betterment of the society.
- To nurture the latent entrepreneurial talents.
- To educate members on various dimensions of industries.
- To motivate the members to venture into the industrial activity.
- To bring in successful entrepreneurial spirit within our institution.
- To develop the entrepreneurial culture among the students.
- To make them aware of the unlimited developmental potential of entrepreneurial venture.
- To sensitize on the real economic and industrial development scenario of the state.
- To inculcate trustworthiness, integrity, hard work, discipline, honesty as constituents of entrepreneurship.
Mrs.R.JAYANTHI | EDC Coordinator |
Ms.S.MEENAKSHI | EDC Deputy Coordinator |
2022 – 2023
Women Entrepreneurship and Innovation Awareness | 03.08.2022 | Mrs.A Usha Rani, Regional Team Coordinator & Star Pearl Executive, Milife Style Marketing Global Pvt. Ltd., Illayangudi. Mr.J.Arumai Ruben, Field Coordinator & ILO Trainer, EDII-IEDP Hub Alagapa University, Karaikudi. |
Celebration of World Entrepreneurs Day | 21.08.2022 | Dr.S.Selvarani, Head & Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Idhaya College for Women, Sarugani. |
Celebration of National Nutrition Week | 05.09.2022 | Dr.S.Usha Rani, Head & Assistant Professor, Department of Bio- Chemistry, Idhaya College for Women, Sarugani. |
Ideation Programme | 19.09.2022 | Mrs.SP.Sigappi, Head & Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administation, Idhaya College for Women, Sarugani. |
Industrial Visit | 07.10.2022 | Mr.S.Vibith, Assistant Manager, Madurai Agri Business Incubation Forum, Madurai |
Treeplantation | 14.10.2022 | |
Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Idea Generation | 18.10.2022 | Mrs.R.Jayanthi, EDC Coordinator & Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Idhaya College for Women, Sarugani. |
Funding Opportunities for Budding Entrepreneurs | 12.01.2023 | Mr.S.Ram Sundar, Director, HEBESEC Technologies Pvrt. Ltd., Mr.J.Arumai Ruben, Field Coordinator & ILO Trainer, EDII-IEDP Hub Alagapa University, Karaikudi. |
Mehandi Stall | 21.03.2023 | |
Jewel Making | 22.03.20233 |
2021 – 2022
Aspiring Entrepreneurs Programme 2021 | 10.06.2021 | Flt.LT.Sridhar Chakravarthi Mulakaluri, Leadership Coach and Start up Mentor& Mr.Dharaneetharan G.D, Digital Life Style Monk and founder, Social Edge, Mr. Sivakumar Palaniyappan, Founder & Director, Thinkfluence Global. Mr.Sunil Borah, Senior Trainer, ICT Academy |
Funding Opportunities for Aspiring Entrepreneurs | 29.07.2021 | Mr.M.Siva Bharathi, Field Coordinator, AURCT – IEDP Hub, Anna University Regional Campus, Thirunelveli Mr.R.Ramachandhiran, Field Coordinator/ILO Trainer, EDII –TN Hub, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. |
Ideation Programme | 25.09.2021 | Mrs.R.Jayanthi, EDC Coordinator & Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Idhaya College for Women, Sarugani. |
Entrepreneurship Awareness Programme on One Million Ideas | 29.10.2021 | Ms.I Gayathri Principal, Piratchi Thalaivar Dr.MGR Arts and Science College for Women, Utchipuli, Ramnad. Mr.J.Arumai Ruben, Field Coordinator & ILO Trainer, EDII-IEDP Hub Alagapa University, Karaikudi |
Entrepreneurship Awareness Campaign | 03.12.2021 | Mr.Bashayalar MAttapalli, Senior Partner in CA firm Mr.K.Gopal Rao & Co., Dr.R.Subramaniyan, Founder and CEO, MIND BIZ Flt.LT.Sridhar Chakravarthi Mulakaluri, Leadership Coach and Start up Mentor. |
Entrepreneurship Awareness on TNSI 2021 | 13.12.2021 | Mr.J.Arumai Ruben, Field Coordinator & ILO Trainer, EDII-IEDP Hub Alagapa University, Karaikudi. |
Awareness Programme on Entrepreneruship | 25.02.2022 | Dr.R.Nageswari, Head & Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Seethalakshmi Achi College for Women, Pallathur. |
Workshop on Design Thingking | 10.03.2022 | Dr.C.Thiruvalar Selvi, Assistant Professor & EDC Coordinator, Department of Commerce, PSY Arts & Science College, Arasanoor. |
Workshop on Business Plan Preparation | 16.03.2022 | Dr.S.Sudhamathi, Assistant Professor, Alagappa Institute of Management, Alagappa University, Karaikudi |
Workshop on Intellectual Properties Rights | 18.03.2022 | Dr.S.Nazar, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & PG Research Department, Dr.Zahir Hussain College, Illayankudi |
Workshop on Institute Innovation Council | 22.03.2022 | Mr.R.Rajkumar, EDC Coordinator, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Carrier Hub, alagappa University, Karaikudi. |
Our College celebrated 68th Independence in Leve Oldage Home, Arockiya Nagar, Sarugani on 14th Aug 2014. On that day, our EDC students performed a comedy skit to entertain the oldage people in the Home. The seasoned people enjoying the programme very happily. They also started singing and dancing with our students. Finally our students wished them for Independence day.
Our College Entrepreneur Development Cell conducted 15 days training program of Tailoring to the nearby village people from 21.08.2014 to 05.09.2014. Among the participants only 13 members were selected from three villages.
On that day, our EDC coordinator Mrs.S.Selvarani, HOD, Department of Commerce delivered a motivational talk on our motto of EDC “To create more and more self employment opportunities for Women entrepreneurs” and to uplift the women in the society, how this will help for the poor, how to improve their economical condition, how to increase their confidence about the future and to stand on their own legs.
Entrepreneurship Development cell encourages the students to become successful entrepreneurs. So we arranged an industrial visit to the final B.Com students. This visit is an essential to get knowledge about the activities of an enterprise. Our selected units are Mahadev granite, Meha Granimarmo Pvt.Ltd, Shri Shyam Exports Sivagangai &Madurai district.
From this Industrial visit, our students got clear cut idea about the granites manufacturing industries from purchasing till its exports. All the steps are explained by the proprietors. Ever growing demand of these granites requiring more and more entrepreneurs. If one who to start this unit, the GOVT. is ready to provide financial and other assistance. But the only required quality is challenging and daring personality. Our EDC is identifying such persons.
EDC conducted Mehandi stall on 10.01.15 at our college campus. Nearly 90 students were eagerly participated and we have collected Rs.1400/- from Mehandi stall. This amount will be utilized for the development of our EDC activities. EDC members actively participated and put efforts throughout this programme.
Alagappa University conducted faculty training programme on entrepreneurship for five days from 22.01.15 to 26.01.15. Dr.S.Selvarani EDC coordinator, HOD of Commerce and Miss Nithya Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration participated .They came to know more about entrepreneurial development. During these five days various resource persons were invited by the university and our staff members have discussed with them how to execute these events within our college to reach out the students and the adopted village.
2016 - 2017
Entrepreneurship Development cell conducted One Day seminar on “Neuro Linguistic Programme and Entrepreneurship Development Programme” [NLP and EDP] on 29.02.2016 at our college campus. The program started with merciful prayer. The chief guest Mr.Benalt Jay Ragland, Business consultant, Madurai gave a special address about NLP and EDP. He insisted that every entrepreneur should have not only profit motive but also they should have services and psychological mind. Our students got much knowledge about Neuro Linguistic management and Entrepreneurship.
On 16.07.2016 EDC conducted a Jewell making training in our college. Mrs.R.Banumathi, an expert and trainer in the field of Art and craft, karaikudi gave training to our students. She trained the students to make variety of ornaments like earrings, Necklace, chains, Anklets, Bracelets etc,. The trainer demo class inspired our students to become an entrepreneur in the near future.
On 06.08.2016 the members of EDC went to outreach programme at Chokkanathapuram for the Art and Craft training. Nearly 7 trainers of our college trained the village people. Approximately 50 beneficiaries were participated and they were trained to make earrings, bracelets, chains, anklets, pot painting, etc,. The ornaments were made up by full of papers and also other materials. The motto of our outreach programme was only to support the helpless people, unemployed women, physically challenged people from our adapted village.
2017 - 2018
EDC conducted awareness programme for all EDC members on 28.01.2019 at our college. It was started with prayer. Ms.R.Nanthini III B.COM EDC president had given the welcome address. The programme presided over by Rev.Sr.Mariya Josephine, Vice Principal. She shared her Entrepreneurial ideas and skills to the club members. Nearly 150 EDC volunteers participated.
EDC students cleansed the ground of our management block on 29.07.17.They rendered this service early enthusiastically. Nearly 50 students involved in this service.
Our EDC volunteers visited leve Old Age Home, Arockiya Nagar, Sarugani on 24.08.17. They cleansed the rooms, arranged the things, cut their nails and comp their hairs. Our students voluntarily also distributed biscuits, soap and dress materials to them.
In the glories morning of 25.07.2018 we conducted the “EDC Orientation Programme”. The day started with prayer song. Followed by, EDC secretary Ms.Nanthini has initiated the programme with pleasant welcome address our EDC Coordinator Mrs.K.Seethalakshmi, explain about the importance of entrepreneurships with the help of PPT, it is very useful to the EDC members.
After that play a small short film about the meaning of business for creating more and more self employment opportunities for women entrepreneurs and to uplift the women in the society. The main purpose of this programme is to increase their confidence and to stand on their own legs.
A MEDICAL AWARENESS PROGRAMME organized by All Club Association on (21.08.2018) Tuesday. The programme started with a delightful Prayer Song followed by Welcome address which was rendered by Ms.M.Mahakeerthi II B.Sc Physics and Dr.R.Vijayalakshmi, Head, Department of B.com CA felicitated the gathering.
Dr.P.PorselviMathavaMoorthy, MBBS., DGO., Anbu Specialty Hospital., Devakottai ,the chief guest , gave an Awareness about Adolescents Health issues, Life skills and Malnutrition to the staff and students. Finally the Programme ended with the Vote of Thanks and National Anthem.
On 25.09.2018 EDC Organized the “Candle Making” Programme. In that programme our EDC coordinator gave the Demonstration to, how to make the candle. After that EDC members followed the demonstration to make the candle themselves. Nearly 100 students participated in this programme. Finally the colourful candles are given to principal sister Dr.C.Jothi Mary to use this candle for chapel.
http://holyangelsnurseryprimarytgode.edu.in/ On 23.01.2019 EDC Organized the “Paper Bag Making” Programme. The aim of conducting this programme is to make the campus as plastic free zone and to breath fresh air. We instructed the students to avoid plastic bags and use the paper bags, So we trained the students to make the paper bags. In this Programme nearly 50 students participated. Finally EDC members check all the class rooms whether the students bought plastic papers and also insisted the students to avoid the use of plastic bags.
DATE: 03.02.19
The programme was carried out with the help of four students from 2nd Year BCA and 2nd Year Physics accompanied by two faculty members, EDC Coordinator Mrs.K.Seethalakshmi Dept of Computer Applications and Secretary Mrs.Yogalakshmi Dept of Physics. The objective of this event was to create self employee. In this day we showed demo to prepare two things.
- Colorful candles
- Paper Bags
Nearly 150 NSS students and some village people were participated in this programme. They were eagerly done the Colourful candles and paper bags. Finally we would like to thank our NSS Coordinator Mrs.SP.Visalakshi Dept of English, the other faculty members and NSS students were arrange this wonderful opportunity.
2019 -2020
“The Achievements of Club Activities Are The
Results of the Combined Effort of Each Individual”
Our EDC cell conducted an Orientation programme on July 25.07.2019.The programme started with prayer song. Miss. A.Joice Caroline from III BCA welcomed the gathering. The chief guest Mr.A.Victor Benevent Raj, Director of Computer Studies, Ananda College. In his presentation, he explained in detail on “Who is an entrepreneur”, “Qualities of an entrepreneur” and also said the students to be brave in her life. Nearly 150 students participated in this event. Miss.M.Kavitha from III Physics delivered the vote of thanks. Finally the programme concluded with National Anthem.
DATE: 05.08.19
Department of Women’s Studies & Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute, Chennai, has conducted “Three Day Faculty Development Programme” about “Students Registration in Entrepreneurship Development Cell” at Alagappa University, Karaikudi. In that Programme EDII trainer insisted EDC Cell must treated as a small company.
The following details were explained
- It has specific name, Mail ID, Bank Account and Pan card.
- This company has a one CEO, HR, Accountant, PMS, in students circle only.
- EDC students should registered the names and paid RS 300/- for their examination. Syllabus and study material has given in website. Students will clear the exam the fees amount will be refund to their account.
- Staff should encourage the student’s creative idea and led them to prototype, the best prototype welcomed by EDII Chennai.
DATE: 18.10.19
Department of Women’s Studies & Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute, Chennai, has conducted “One Day TAKE OFF Programme” about “Simulation of Entrepreneurship Skills” at Alagappa University, Karaikudi. The Resource person was Mrs.K.Manimekalai Head, Women’s Studies, Mr.N.Rajendran Vice chancellor, Alagappa University, Mr.Vishal Vijay ., Master Trainer, EDII and Dr.P.Veeramani Assistant Professor, Women’s Studies. In that Programme the EDII Trainer gave the number of ideas and Tricks to develop the business in this broad society.
DATE : 19.11.19 & 20.11.19
Alagappa university organized Two days workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights and Entrepreneurship” on November 19th and 20th in Science block, Karaikudi. Nearly 62 faculties were participated in this programme. Mrs.K.Seethalakshmi, Co-ordinator of EDC & R.Yogalakshmi, Secretary were participated in this workshop. The First Day Mr.Hari Prasad Karnam, Patent Engineer, IP Dome, Chennai, gave the brief explanation about Importance of IPR, followed by Mr.krishnamoorthy, IP Agent, Metayage, Coimbatore, gave information about Software Application Production or converting the final year project into a commercial product through. The Second Day Mr.M.Ajith, Deputy Controller, Intellectual Property India, Guindy, Chennai, gave the wonderful interaction to the faculty members on the subject of “Software used for IP Search”. The last session was handled by Mr.Oggu Prasad Rao, Deputy Controller, Intellectual Property India, Guindy, Chennai, gave the IP Search Practical’s. It was very informative and knowledge enriching programme, so we decide to motivate the students to think innovative ideas to identify new invention and then patent that new invention in India.
Date : 07.01.2020
One day Orientation programme was organized by Department of Women’s studies, Entrepreneurship Development cell & Innovative Institute, Chennai on “TAMILNADU STUDENTS INNOVATORS 2020” on 07.01.2020 at seminar hall, Alagappa University, Karaikudi. The chief guest were Prof. K.Manimegalai, Head of the Department, Women’s studies, Mr.Pandidurai Durairaj, Director, Penzzle Education, Ms.Venkateshwari, Mrs.P.Veeramani, Hub coordinator, Alagappa University, Karaikudi. Mr.Shivashankar, Additional Director of EDII. Our staff member Mrs.R.JAYANTHI Assist Prof., Department of Commerce and Mrs.M.Soniya Prof., Department of Tamil have participated with 10 volunteers of our students from various departments.
The chief guest gave the special address about
- Innovations
- Generation of new ideas.
- How to register their ideas in patent.
- What are factors considered to select ideas?
Date : 24.01.2020
EDC organized an orientation programme for the volunteers. The main aim of that programme was to encourage our volunteers for generating new ideas in Entrepreneurship. In that programme Mrs.K.Seethalakshmi EDC coordinator & Mrs.R.Jayanthi Assistant Proffessor, Department of commerce delivered speech about IPR, E-Cell registration and Create an innovative busin